(Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant of non denominational and denominational traditions i.e. Lutheran, Baptist, Reformed/Presbyterian, Anglican/Episcopal, Methodist, Pentecostal, Churches of Christ etc)
With a wide variety of beliefs within scriptural orthodoxy; GMNF operates under Reformed Theological framework
Belgic Confession
Heidelburg Catechism
Canons of Dort
Westminster Confession
Belhar Confessions (CRC)
GMNF recommends DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY for education and equipping for the church, academy and society
Missionary Outreach, Church Planting and discipleship
We assist internal missionaries and missionary partners with outreach opportunities, church planting and discipleship
GMNF and it's Institute has 4 core function areas:
Missions/ church planting
spiritual formation in secular vocations
general christian ministry
Christian academics on a variety of topics
GMNF General Missions
GMNF is a general missions organization with activities in the following areas:
prison, homeless, orphan, refugee, social services (i.e. food, educational, health and psychological care)
GMNF Connectivity and Collaboration
GMNF has a host server to connect internal missionaries and personel globally with mission partners to connect digitally for prayer service, bible studies, fellowship and sharing resources.
GMNF Discord Discussion Board link below:
GMNF Global Mission Society is a unique in its approach to ecumenicalism. While the organization has members from Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Mainline and Evangelical Protestant denominations; the operations, teachings and support is given from an conservative reformed evangelical perspective:
Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Mainline Protestants and Evangelicals of many denominations (Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc) all united under the central doctrines of Christianity , full authority of the Bible and unlimited inerrancy (Bible has no errors in its originals in matters of science in history as well as faith and practice)
At GMNF GMS, Roman Catholics, Orthodox and Protestant believers are all united around the essentials of the faith that all churches agree which include but isn't limited to: Existence of God, Jesus' Deity and Humanity, Trinity, Depravity of Man, Bodily death of Christ, Atonement of Christ, Ascension of Christ, Justification by faith, Salvation by Grace through faith
At GMNF GMS, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christians are united in their belief in the early confessionals and creeds:
One Bible (66 Books)
Two Testaments (Old and New)
Three Creeds (Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian)
Four Councils (Nicene 326 CE), Constantinople (381 CE), Ephesus (431 CE) and Chalcedon (451 CE)
Five Centuries of basic unity until later were added to and obscured unity by denominational distinctions. Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches still adhere to the early confessionals and creeds.
Reformed Theology:
Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort, Westminster Confession and Belhar Confession
Roman Catholic
Mainline Protestant
Evangelical Protestant