Protestant Missiology

Missiology in the Protestant Church

Mission outreach has been practiced in the protestant church since inception but the founders of modern protestant academic missiology include Fuller Seminary School of World Mission Founding Dean Donald McGavran and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of World Mission Founding Dean David Hesselgrave

Protestant Missiology

Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to the missiology of protestant Christians. Missions work includes

GMNF Global Mission Society has operations to all denominations of Protestant non-profits and churches. GMNF GMS also supports mission initiatives originated by Protestant churches and non profit organizations

The masters and doctoral degree programs in intercultural studies (missiology) at Fuller Theological Seminary is applicable and beneficial to all denominations of Protestant Missiology. The cross cultural communications, Anthropology, Contextualization, Theology of Mission and other fields within Intercultural Studies at Trinity can be implemented in Protestant Missions through GMNF Global Mission Society but also in Protestant Churches and non profits worldwide.

These benefits in their fullest expression won't not be possible in schools with one denomination or branch of Christianity


Social Action

Church and Parachurch Cooperation